The Spiritual Angle

Spiritual Insights for Everyday Life • A Newspaper Column from The Rev. Bryan Jarrell, ACNA

A Newspaper Column for Everyone… Spiritual or Otherwise.

“Preach with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.” The Swiss theologian Karl Barth made this comment some 80 years ago to a group of young and upcoming theologians, scholars, and pastors experiencing the turmoil of 1930’s Germany. His hope was that a mix of spiritual fidelity and worldly wisdom would equip these future church leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge to be of help to the people in a difficult and dangerous time .

The Spiritual Angle, founded in the fall of 2023, is one pastor’s attempt to follow Barth’s advice, offering spiritual insights to readers to help them navigate the complex and ever-chaning world we all inhabit. Non-religious readers will be challenged to look into spiritual traditions for solutions to modern problems. Religious readers will be challenged for not engaging with the material world which very much needs their help.

Politics is never the solution at The Spiritual Angle, though there are spiritual insights that deal directly with the politics of the day. There are no endorsements of political candidates in the column, and all criticism comes with a spirit of charity and good intent. There are matters beyond policy and elections that require transcendent solutions, and this column offers those insights to its readership.

All challenges to readers come with an intentional voice of understanding, grace, and humility from the author of the column, whose self-depricating humor and comfort with confession add a sense of optimism for the challenges head. With 13 years of writing experience with Mockingbird Ministries, alongside 12 years of weekly sermon composition and pastoral ministry, the Rev. Bryan Jarrell’s experience bridging faith and culture is a welcome source of insight for readers and parishioners alike.

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“Preach with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.”

– Karl Barth, Swiss Theologian