How Can The Spiritual Angle Grow Your Readership?

Benefits The Spritual Angle can bring to your publication.

  • New editions of the Spiritual Angle arrive weekly on Wednesdays, and total 750 words maximum. Long enough for a thoughtful reflection, but short enough to keep a reader's attention.

  • It was the Rev. John Watson, a Scottish Free-Church minister, who used the pen name Ian McLaren to enjoin the world to “be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.” This column assumes that charity and goodwill has a better chance of chaning minds than acrimony or spite.

  • At a time when politcs has subsumed most discourse, a faith based, broadly conservative column without political stances, endorsements, or polemics allows for wider readership and connection.

  • The Spiritual Angle is written from the perspective of a Millennial Evangelical pastor, who has loved, served, and learned from many generations, classes, and walks of life . All readers will find some insight to glean from this weekly colmn.

  • The Spiritual Angle offers syndication partners first right of refusal in regions where publication circulation overlap.

  • The Spiriual Angle is a freelance column, allowing each sydication partnership flexibility in publishing schedule and cost.

  • Evergreen editions of The Spiritual Angle are compiled and saved for future use, and are easily accessible to syndication partners for quick publication turnaround.

For more information on syndication and publishing opportunities, fill out the form below to get in touch.