Meet the Writer

Pastor Bryan and his wife Beth outside of his parish, Epiphany Anglican Fellowship, in Ligonier, PA.

The Rev. Thomas “Bryan” Jarrell, II

(“Pastor Bryan” is fine, and just “Bryan” is preferred.)

An ordained priest in the Anglican Church of North America, “Pastor Bryan” has been writing regularly on spiritual matters since 2010, when he was invited to contribute to the Mockingbird Ministries blog. What started as a reflection on astrophysicist Steven Hawking ‘s insistence that aliens would be “sinful,” just like humans, blossomed into a long time passion for connecting the spiritual insights of Christianity to everyday life.

After over a decade of offering spiritual takes on trending topics, including self-driving cars, epidemics of bullying, confederate flags, and social media, the Latrobe Bulletin in Latrobe, PA offered him a biweekly column to share his reflections outside the church. The offer soon turned to weekly publication as readers responded favorably. The Spiritual Angle is now available to newspapers across the country to run as a regular column or irregular feature.

The title The Spiritual Angle is a play on Pastor Bryan’s denominational affiliation with the “anglicans.” It is also the title of a 1955 essay by Sam Shoemaker, published in The AA Grapevine, a magazine resource for those working the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. The emphasis of the 12 Steps - spiritual insights and solutions for serious everyday problems - is an inspiration for the column. The Big Book’s kind and hopeful offering of spiritual renewal and its transformative power in the lives of addicts is a testimony of the power a higher power can offer.

Pastor Bryan lives in Ligonier, Pennsylvania with his wife , two kids, and poorly trained Golden Retriever. When he’s not leading worship and pastoring his church, writing his column, parenting his kids, or spending time with his wife, he’s usually asleep, though he finds the occasional free time to refurbish vintage radios, brew beer, and learn a new DIY skill.